أهلا بمديرين ومعلمين في المدارس الإسلامية

Welcome Islamic School Educators

We are Date Palm Educational Group

مجموعة النخلة للتعليم

هدفنا إرتفاع المستوى العام من التلميذ المسلم الأمريكي من الصفوف المتوسطة إلى الصفوف الثانوية

Our Mission is raise the Arabic skills level of the Muslim child - high school level.

نزود المدارس الإسلامية بمصادر التعليم والتدريس

We do this by providing Islamic schools and homeschools with curriculum materials, resources and digital courses that allow students to learn independently during the school day and help to manage a multi-level classroom. Our courses can be used as your main curriculum or a supplement to what you already have in place.

Schedule a Demo to Discuss the needs of your School, Islamic Center or Homeschool


Learn to Read from Alif Baa

Our 1st goal is to teach the Muslim child to read the Quran from Alif-Baa. No more reading surahs from the English transliteration!

Our course includes downloadable worksheets, weekly assessments and progress reports for parents or admin.

Create an Account above to Enroll your student(s) in this course.

Journey Into the Quran

Quranic Arabic for Middle & High School students.

Our 2nd goal is to teach your students Kalimat-ul Quran; the Words/ Vocabulary of the Quran. This course is a gateway to understand the words of the Quran connecting the heart to Allah's words. This is a skill that will remain for life.

(This is not a Hifth course. )

هَذِهِ لُغَتِي

(Hathe-he Lugha-tee)

"This is My Language"

Our 3rd goal is to teach your students/children to speak, read and write pure Arabic. هذه لغتي is a Full School Year course and will be extended to 2 Full school years